Google Place API Helpers

To use these custom Google Sheets functions, open the Google Apps Script Editor and paste in the two functions below. You can open the editor in Google Sheets under Tools > Script Editor. Once saved, functions are immediately available in sheets.

Documentation -

Fields for Place Details -

Place Search - Google Sheets Function

placeSearch("your-search-term","latitude", "longitude", "radius(m)","your-api-key","search-depth)"

function placeSearch(keyword,lattitude,longtitude,radius,api_key,depth ) {

  // prepopulate headers, comment this out and replace with empty array if you don't want them
  var output = [ ["Name", "Place ID", "Lattitude", "Longditude","Types"]]
  var url = "";
  // make API call to Place API using inputs and base url
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url.concat("location=",lattitude,",",longtitude,"&radius=",radius,"&keyword=",keyword,"&key=",api_key));

  payload = JSON.parse(response)
  //format results into output array
  for (var x = 0; x < payload['results'].length; x++){
    var inner = [ payload['results'][x]['name'], payload['results'][x]['place_id'], payload['results'][x]['geometry']['location']['lat'],payload['results'][x]['geometry']['location']['lng'],payload['results'][x]['types'][0] ]
  // if we want to return multiple pages, for each extra page we want make an API call using the next page token
  if ( depth > 0 ){
    for (var y = 0; y < depth; y++){
      var url = "";
      // next page token isn't immediately valid when google provides it, sleep 2.5 seconds to wait for it to become valid
      // make API call to Place API usng next page token
      var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url.concat(payload['next_page_token'],"&key=",api_key));
      payload = JSON.parse(response)
      // format results
      for (var x = 0; x < payload['results'].length; x++){
        var inner = [ payload['results'][x]['name'], payload['results'][x]['place_id'], payload['results'][x]['geometry']['location']['lat'],payload['results'][x]['geometry']['location']['lng'],payload['results'][x]['types'][0] ]
  return output


Example Use

=placeSearch("Golf Course","51.4977836","-0.1522502","20000","AIzaSyAXOG97LnAl9W_0crRFfK0wrqKiZ-LCHOs",2)

Place Details - Google Sheets Function


function placeDetails(place_id,fields,key) {
 // don't prepopulate headers as we use the fields input to determine the output array 
 var output = []
 var url = "";
 var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url.concat("place_id=",place_id,"&fields=",fields,"&key=",key));
 payload = JSON.parse(response)
 // fields to return are comma seperated, split these up for output
 field_segments = fields.split(",");
 // for each field we want to return, add the result to the output array and return  
 for (var x = 0; x < field_segments.length; x++){
 return output
